Message from Sheriff Candidate, Craig Allison:
Dan Gevermuehle is currently the Sergeant over the Patrol Division and has been with the Sheriff’s Office for the last 10 years. Dan also has nearly 19 years combined experience working for the Missouri Department of Corrections and the Florida Department of Correction.
If I am elected Sheriff, Daniel Gevermuehle will be promoted to Chief Deputy (Undersheriff) for the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office.
As the election grows nearer, I encourage voters to take an honest look at the candidates running for Sheriff. I’ve said it before “The position of Sheriff is not the place for on the job training.” I cannot stress this enough, it takes experience in all areas of the Sheriff’s Office. It’s no secret Montgomery County faces financial issues, which affect every facet of the county and each office. I’ve worked for the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office for the past ten years. In that time I have witnessed Craig Allison lead by a strong hand and gentle touch. He is always looking at the financial side of things, thinking how we can do more with less. Thereby saving the tax payers thousands of dollars. He has taken the lead on numerous incidents and been side by side with deputies during “hairy” situations, leading and teaching. He is someone you can rely on, whether it be on the administration side of things, or boots on the ground in the trenches, he has done it all.
This position of Sheriff demands a person of focus, integrity, dedication and the knowledge to ensure the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office is ran efficiently. As a community we should demand this, and deserve the Office of Sheriff to be filled with someone who has proven himself time and time again for the past 25 years. This is why my family and I support Craig Allison to be our next Montgomery County Sheriff.
--Dan Gevermuehle