It seems that nothing is official anymore unless it's posted on Facebook. I can tell someone happy birthday but it's still not complete until it's posted on Facebook. With that in mind this is my Official endorsement for Craig Allison to be the next Sheriff of Montgomery County. The most difficult part is how to summarize the past 20 years without writing a book. Craig has been my direct supervisor for over 15 years so I'll limit to that time frame. There are previous endorsements from employees that have been with the Sheriffs Office a short time thru those with 20+ years and you consistently hear the same character,experience and leadership traits when referring to Craig. All of those are spot on, noticed and seen by all. It's said that anyone can sail the ship on calm seas. Well there is no such thing as calm seas for a Sheriff, therefore not just anyone can do it. I started working part Time in the jail June 1, 2001 and then full time in 2003 under Sheriff Bob Davis (Ret). He would say a small county could not pay what the job deserves but he didn't want anyone to dread coming to work. This is just one little sample of the type of values and leadership within the Sheriff Office. Craig Allison has always been on the forefront as a leader bringing forth the solid values of the past while incorporating the necessary additions and changes that make the solid foundation the Sheriffs office has in place.
When you spend more time with fellow officers than you do your own family you really learn what they're made of. Thru the best and worst of times over all of these years the one person who was always consistent was Craig Allison. We all have our "Craig story" or 2 or 3 or.........When I get wound up, stressed out, too many task at hand and just need to vent or explode (yes we are human too) I can go to Craig and it doesn't matter what he is doing, or working on another crisis he always takes time and acts like I'm the only thing in the world at that moment that needs his attention. He listens,gives guidance, a pat on the back or kick in the butt as needed and gets you refocused. Always with respect and compassion.
Most of these endorsements have highlighted how well Craig can mange the sheriffs office and take care of his employees. How does that help the citizens of Montgomery County? On the administrative side the duties and responsibilities of the Sheriff are infinite and all equally important especially use of taxpayers money. Craig has always been meticulous when it comes to weighing cost on anything. I think everyone probably has a wants vs needs list. Craig prioritizes our needs list which is challenging to meet within itself. He constantly assesses the needs and wants of the people of the county FIRST then looks at what his officers need to meet those challenges safely.
When you take care of your deputies and officers it keeps moral high and allows them to focus on what we're here to do...... Protect and Serve the folks in Montgomery County with the same respect and compassion Craig demonstrates daily and demands of everyone in his charge. Citizens of the county could rest easy at night with Craig Allison as the Chief Law enforcement officer of the county.
I proudly ask that you vote August 4 for Craig Allison to be the next sheriff of Montgomery County.
--Cpt. Roger O. See