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To all my Montgomery County friends or friends that have family living in Montgomery County (Please share with them).


The following statement is my personal opinion and by know means reflects the opinions of the Board of Directors or other members of the Jonesburg-High Hill Fire Protection District. The opinions are mine and mine alone. I have nothing to gain from posting it.


On Tuesday, August 4th you will be voting for a new Sheriff for Montgomery County as Sheriff Matt Schoo is retiring. You have 2 very good candidates to choose from on this day. I have worked with both candidates on emergency scenes and have the highest respect for both of them and the department. I consider them both as brothers in arms and friends, but friendship is not the only thing you should base your electing/hiring/promoting on.


I ask that you look at this election as you are personally hiring the top leader of the Sheriff’s Department. With that said look at both of their Facebook pages and other information that is out there, use that information to do your interviews, even contact them if you want. Look at their qualifications, experience, accomplishments, certifications, references/recommendations from others in the 1st Responder field of work, and their goals/plans to continue improving the department.


I have been on several hiring/promotional boards in my 40 years as a 1st Responder and feel I’m a good judge of what it takes to lead or do the job of a 1st Responder. I mention this because I will continue to be working with the next Sheriff and the department on matters that concern the safety of Montgomery County residents.

So after hours of researching and reading information on both candidates, I am endorsing Craig Allison for Montgomery County’s next Sheriff.


Craig has 24 plus years of experience in law enforcement and several years of service to our country in the U.S. Army. He has worked in all aspects of the Sheriff Department from 13 years in the patrol division and 11 years in the administration division. It’s very important that the Sheriff has a good working knowledge of every position within the department. Craig has that knowledge. He has moved through the ranks of the department under several Sheriffs before the current Sheriff. So that is something to remember as promotions happen because that person shows the abilities and knowledge to do the job. Craig has served as the Chief Deputy (Second in Command) of the department for the last 3 years.


Recommendations/Endorsements for a person to be elected/hired/promoted is another good sign that the person you are looking at is of good moral standing and character and is respected by people within that field of work. Craig has several endorsements from former Montgomery County Sheriff Department employees, other current and retired law enforcement officers, along with at least 10 or more of the current 38 employees of the department all who work under Craig. (This speaks volumes because most of the time employees usually stay quiet about who they would want to work for, because of fear their job may be in jeopardy if they openly support a candidate). As a 1st Responder that works side by side with the men and women of the Sheriff’s Department it’s good to know that they respect, enjoy working with, and are confident in the abilities of Craig to be the top leader of the department.


Since the position of Sheriff is elected by a vote of the people it sometimes becomes a popularity contest and not who is the best candidate for the job.


So looking at all the information, if I was personally electing/hiring the next person to be the top leader of a great Sheriff’s Department I would elect/hire Craig Allison. I ask for your vote for Craig on Tuesday, August 4th.



Jeff Edwan
Assistant Fire Chief/Fire Marshal
Jonesburg-High Hill Fire Prot. Dist.

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