As I sit here with a clear head on vacation in Panama City Beach, Florida, I feel it is the proper time to officially speak out about the Sheriff’s election in Montgomery County. Let me preface this by saying please do your proper research into both candidates yourself and do not just take someone’s word at face value.
In my 4 years and 2 months of service to the citizens of Montgomery County, so far, I have worked under two separate Sheriffs as a Road Deputy Sheriff and as a Jail Deputy Sheriff, Sheriff (ret.) Bob Davis and current Sheriff Matt Schoo. Both Bob and Matt have led this Sheriff’s Office with tremendous knowledge, experience, integrity, and strength. I have been able to learn and grow both as a law enforcement professional and person in possibly the best Sheriff’s Office environment. Both Bob and Matt have an “open door policy” which means if you want to talk to them about anything at any time for any reason, as long as they are not extremely busy, you can walk into their office and talk.
I said that to say this: I am officially publicly endorsing Major (Undersheriff) Craig Allison to be the next Sheriff of Montgomery County. Craig also has an open door policy, same as Bob and Matt. When I started at the Sheriff’s Office, Craig had the rank of Captain and was the Jail Administrator. It did not take me long to realize Craig has always led from the front, never the rear, setting the example for how a Deputy should conduct his/herself inside and outside of the Sheriff’s Office. Craig has also taught us Deputies how to effectively and respectfully communicate with suspects, inmates, and the citizens of the general public in a polite and professional manner. Craig is great at talking to people respectfully and de-escalating tense situations which involve Inmates, suspects, employees, and citizens of the general public. Craig believes in service and he has shown that on numerous occasions. Craig also stands up for his employees at every possible opportunity and does not bow to opposition. Craig is selfless, compassionate, strong, honest, loyal, and fair. Craig is loyal to both those he works with and Montgomery County as a whole.
In 2017, under Sheriff Schoo, Craig was promoted to Undersheriff due to his exemplary performance and leadership. After being promoted, Craig continued to lead from the front, remained humble, and utilized his new position to assist Sheriff Schoo in making positive changes in not only the Sheriff’s Office, but also within the communities of Montgomery County.
Craig has the qualities to be not only a very qualified Sheriff, but a compassionate and dedicated Sheriff who will listen to the citizens he serves of every community within the county. Whether the citizens of a larger community such as Montgomery City or the citizens of a smaller community such as Bluffton.
Please take a moment to think about what it means for Craig’s subordinates to be outwardly supporting him over one of our other superiors. We work with both men on a daily basis and know how each one of them operate while doing their jobs. Like Sheriff Schoo, Craig will continue leading the Sheriff’s Office and Montgomery County in a positive direction.
I ask for your vote for Craig Allison on August 4th.
Thank You,
Harley Ault, Badge #422
Deputy Sheriff - Patrol Division