Niki Foree - Former Detention Officer for the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office - 11 Years
I met Craig Allison back in 1998. I started out as a dispatcher and he was a sergeant on the road. I was trying to find my niche. Needless to say dispatching wasn’t for me. I later went to Audrain co sheriffs department as a jailer. I worked there from 2000-2005 then went to Montgomery co sheriff department. During that time at Montgomery Craig Allison went from a sergeant on the road to a captain of the jail then later the major (under sheriff) of the sheriff department. I worked under Craig for several years. During that time I found him to be a very personable person. When I went through my divorce Craig and his wife Lisa were always there to talk to. He worked with me when I had multiple surgeries and then when the worse possible thing that could happen to any parent happened to me. I lost my 16 year old daughter. I lived in vandalia at the time. Craig came to my house and was there for support that night. He offered me a place to stay. Then Craig and other people at the sheriffs department helped raise money to cover the funeral expenses. He visited me several times at the place I was staying. I worked in the Montgomery county jail from may 2005 - may 2016. I took about a year off after my daughter passed away and was hired back part time. I am inspired by Craig and Lisa everyday. Craig isn’t like most bosses when things would go crazy Craig was always there to help. I just want everyone to know that I 💯 support Craig Allison for the next Montgomery County Sheriff.
--Niki Foree
Paul Oliver - Former Detention Officer for the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office
Throughout my employment with Montgomery County Sheriffs Office And living in this country my whole life I found Craig Allison to be a personable supervisor and family man who always made time for me both professionally and personally. Craig always made time to help those in need. He is highly knowledgeable in all aspects of law enforcement, having worked successfully in all positions within the Sheriffs Office, and was always willing to share that knowledge and experience to make those working for him better officers. Even in chaotic times, Craig always maintained a positive attitude talking to people with respect no mater what situation they were in. ( No matter what side of the door they were on or what that person did to get there, Craig treated them like a person. )
Craig had a way of bringing calm to stressful situations using words and not Violence, as well as the ability to bring out the best in his staff. I worked for Craig when he was over the jail, even though I worked nights and he worked days, I knew I could give him a call and knew when that call was finished that I would fell better about the situation . I no longer work for the Sheriff's Department and I know I can still call Craig for advice. This is the friendship, reliance and trustworthiness that you can look forward to if Craig is elected Sheriff.
Craig's years of continuous loyalty to the Sheriff's Department and the county shows that he is in it for the long hall. Craig always made time to talk to ask you how you or your family was doing and was always there to talk whether it was sharing sadness or happiness with you.
It’s because of this loyalty, determination and hard work, that I would like to see Craig Allison the next Montgomery County Sheriff.
--Paul Oliver
James Birmingham - Former Deputy Sheriff / Detention Officer for the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office
I would like to take a minute and tell you about a great man. This man I met several years ago as a I was a detention deputy. He quickly became a good friend but most importantly he became a mentor to me. His door was always open for good talks or when I made a mistake. He is the kind of person that as long as you own your mistakes he will help you not make them again. His faith is a great quality and has a ton of empathy as a deputy. Craig Allison I hope you win the election because Montgomery County needs you to run the helm during these trying times.
Holly Shahan - Wife of Brian Shahan, Brian is a Deputy Sheriff with the Montomery County Sheriff's Office - 17 years
My husband has been employed at the Montgomery County Sheriff’s office for over 17 years, holding several positions over time. Starting in the jail, being a road deputy, corporal/supervisor in the jail and transport officer. Being a deputies wife comes with ups and downs. Immense pride sometimes comes with sleepless worry. It makes a big difference knowing his commanding officer ALWAYS has his back. Craig has always made a point to make my husband feel respected and appreciated, and offer guidance, kindness, and a little tough love when it’s needed the most. He has also gone above and beyond the job and been great to our family. Be it health issues, family emergencies or any distress outside of work, Craig checks in to make sure we’re ok, and offer any help we may need. Now realize it’s not just us. This is how he takes care of his people. Craig is a fantastic boss and friend, and he will be an even better Sheriff.
Brent Sheets - Former Detention Officer with the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office
Throughout my employment with Montgomery County Sheriffs Office I found Craig Allison to be a personable supervisor who always made time for me both professionally and personally. Craig is highly knowledgeable in all aspects of law enforcement, having worked all positions within the Sheriffs Office, and was always willing to share that knowledge and experience to make those working for him better officers. I knew if I ever had a question or needed anything at all I could count on Craig. Even in chaotic times Craig always maintained a positive attitude and had a way of bringing calm to stressful situations as well as the ability to bring out the best in his staff.
Outside of the Sheriffs office, Craig is also the same person. He has known me since I was just a baby and to this day he still takes time out of his busy schedule to stop and say hi. I know I can count on Craig to be there to help in any kind of way needed.
Brad Pape - Deputy Sheriff for the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office - 14 years
There is so many things I want to pack into my recommendation for Craig Allison but, I wanted to keep it short so that all would read it.
I have known Craig since September 11th 2006. I have worked along side with him in the jail, and on the road. Craig has wrote me up, Craig has yelled at me. I have been pissed at Craig, and I argued with him. Some may not know this but it takes a village to run an office like that. Not everyone will agree with everything all the time. This is where we come up with good ideas.
Anyways, I have worked with Craig for many years. I have hunted on Craig's families property since 2008. I have taken the deer that Craig and his dad were keeping tabs on. I have hung a good amount of his campaign signs, I have even worked on their farm with Craig's dad. Running tractors etc. Ok I'm getting off subject again, but his faith and his family shine through him.
What I'm trying to say is I have worked for Craig since he was a Sergeant. I would take a bullet for Craig, or anyone at that Department for that matter. I have only known him to show professionalism in the work place. Even outside of work we represent the Sheriffs Office, and he represented that with dignity and honor.
I may not live in Montgomery County, so no I can't vote there. But I have family that does, family that knows Craig and what he is about. We all back him 1000%
Craig Allison for Sheriff. He represents everything the county deserves!
Ben Rajchart - Transport Officer for the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office -13 years
I began working along side Craig Allison 13 years ago in July of 2007. Craig’ Allison’s presents & guidance have always set the atmosphere with a sense of stability, confidence, and loyalty amongst the entire department. I have never met another individual in comparison who is as knowledgeable in every position of Montgomery Co Sheriffs Office. I greatly appreciate Craig Allison for caring enough about us to lead us by the example he sets himself. Craig has always listened to us when we’ve needed someone to listen. He has guided us positively with suggestion giving us a sense of direction. Craig motivates us through encouragement & building up moral. I am a believer & supporter of Craig because he is not only highly knowledgeable, but he is also completely honest & sincere in his every word & actions. He has never misguided us. It’s been more than a pleasure working for Craig. He is the major component to the success of Montgomery County Sheriffs Offices future. I’m proud to be a member of his team.
Colleen Mathis - Wife of Deputy Sheriff of the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office
As a Deputy’s wife in the county I wanted to share my thoughts and why I am asking for your support to elect Craig Allison for Sheriff. Being a police officers wife is never easy but you accept what comes with it because you know your partner/spouse does it for the love of it, not the money. Every shift he goes out on I know it may be his last, even in our county. Having the support and caring of both Matt Schoo and Craig Allison as a wife is invaluable. They not only care about this county and the people but also their Deputies and their families. That is not common in this line of work. We need that culture to keep and hire for the department. We need that culture so families of the Deputies know they aren’t alone if something happens. We need to continue that culture as it makes a better department, better county and a better law enforcement team serving you. Thank you for taking the time to read my post and allowing to ask for your support in electing Craig- I trust Craig with my husband’s life and I ask you trust him as the next Sheriff.
Sgt. Daniel Gevermuehle - Deputy Sheriff for the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office
I have had the opportunity to work with both individuals running for Sheriff and can honestly tell you Craig Allison is the man for the job. Being Sheriff has many obstacles and challenges the average deputy has no idea about. The Sheriff’s Office can be a huge liability for the county if not ran correctly. The complexity of the position demands experience, and is not the place for “On the job training”. Craig Allison has been a proven leader, and asset to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office and the citizens of Montgomery County continuously for the past 25 years. He has worked his way up through the ranks learning every possible aspect of the Sheriff’s Department and its unique needs. Compare that to his opponent, who has repeatedly left Law enforcement over the years, and only has approximately 12 years’ of actual Law enforcement experience with the Sheriff’s Office. It’s really not hard to see who the best candidate is.
Chief of Police Mark Trog - Previous Deputy Sheriff for the Montgomery County Sheriff's Off.
I have known Craig for close to 20 years and worked with him for 10 years at the Sheriffs Dept. in the past. Craig is an honest hard working person who I would be honored to work with again. I would encourage all of the residents of Montgomery County to vote for him.
Mark Trog
Chief of Police
City of Merriam Woods
Taney County, Mo.
Ron Hindman - Long Time Friend and Retired Deputy Sheriff
Responsibility, Leadership and experience are qualities that are always needed in every job. Craig Allison not only has all of those but many more qualities as well. Craig has drive and wisdom along with the respect and admiration of his men and women who have served with and along the side of Craig for many of his years of service to the people of Montgomery County. Craig had the unequaled experience that no other candidate can match from street patrol to every aspect of Law Enforcement all the way up to command and structuring statewide use of direction for other departments. Craig Allison has the respect of others where others fail.