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From the Desk of:

Matt Oller

Audrain County Sheriff


Election time in Montgomery County is nearly upon you. As residents, one of the offices you will decide upon is that of Sheriff. If you are fortunate enough to have never needed the Sheriff’s Office for anything, you may be a bit indifferent to who holds that office. You should not be. If you have needed the Sheriff’s Office, then you know how important it is that the Sheriff be approachable, honest, hardworking, knowledgeable, and most importantly experienced.


Having served in many roles in my 26-year career, I had the awesome experience of being assigned to the East Central Drug Task Force from 2002 to 2006. During that time, Montgomery County was one of my assigned areas. As a result, I worked very closely to the members of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office in hundreds of narcotics and related investigations, and got to know it’s members, and their abilities and work ethic.


In more recent years, as the Audrain County Sheriff, I have had the pleasure of networking with neighboring Sheriff’s Office on a regular basis, including Montgomery County. I have coordinated with their command staff and supervisors regarding a wide variety of issues ranging from multi-county criminal investigations to trying to make our jail and administrative operations smoother. Sheriff’s Offices learn from each other as much as we can. We owe it our residents to be as efficient as possible. The interactions between your Sheriff’s Office and my office have always been smooth. It has always been one of “whatever we can do to help, just call”. That is IMPORTANT. Crooks do not stop at the county line sign. We share a border, and that means we share problems.


All that said, understand that my thoughts and views do not just come as those of a neighboring Sheriff. I have a different interest too. A large part of my interest in seeing the best candidate elected to the Office of Sheriff in Montgomery County is because a large portion of my wife’s family live in rural Montgomery County, meaning the Sheriff’s Office is their primary source of law enforcement. Realistically, who, regardless of where they live, does not want the best available for their families? I would guess most of you do, just like everyone else. For those of you that don’t know, my beautiful, wonderful, caring wife is Suzanne Oller (Walton), who’s family live in a wide area of northeastern Montgomery County.


This is not something I am doing lightly. I personally have nothing to gain or lose by doing this, and I have put many months of thought into this. Serving as an active Sheriff, I have a pretty good idea of what the job requires. It is not easy. In fact, for those who haven’t been watching the news, it’s probably more difficult now than it has ever been.


After careful consideration, as a Missouri Sheriff, a citizen, husband, father and family man, I, along with my wife, without hesitation or reservation, give our formal endorsement to Craig Allison to be your next Montgomery County Sheriff. In my experience working through the years with Craig, he has exhibited patience, caring, professionalism, experience, knowledge, faith, and most importantly, a deep drive to serve others, all of which will benefit the residents of Montgomery County.


--Matt and Suzanne Oller


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