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I first met Craig Allison in late December 2007 when I applied for a job in the jail. I began working in the jail January 2008. Due to being out of a job for several months and living in Warren County, Craig offered me an advance on my paycheck seeing how we only got paid once a month to make sure I could afford fuel to get to and from work.


Throughout my time working as jail staff Craig had given amazing insight into the job both in the jail and about his time on the road. It has been my experience that Craig is firm and fair and will bend over backwards to help his employees and truly cares for them.


During my time in the Academy I continued to work full time in the jail and Craig was eager to answer any questions I had about the job. Craig was always eager to help me study and would encourage me when times were tough whether it was job related or personal. Once I graduated the academy I continued to work for him as a commissioned deputy in the jail until he was promoted to his current position.


Craig brought me into his office and we had a very long conversation about the road position which was open and how he would give me a chance. I told him I would do everything in my power to make him proud. Since being on the road I have sought out his advice on just about everything.

I have not found another person who I have down right enjoyed working for, for the past 12 years. As a road deputy I would be proud and honored to serve under Craig Allison this as Sheriff. His years of experience and the love he has for this county is UNDENIABLE.


--Deputy Steve Paden

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