From the desk of Sergeant Katie Pape,
I have been employed with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office for 13 years. I currently am the Assistant Jail Administrator for the Montgomery County Jail. I was hired under a previous Jail Administrator but shortly after, began working as a Detention Officer under Craig Allison, whom had taken over as Jail Administrator. Throughout my time with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office I have worked alongside both candidates, Craig Allison and Tom Mayes. I believe for this reason I should share with you my thoughts and feelings for this upcoming Sheriff’s Election.
My wholehearted trust and full endorsement is for Craig Allison and here are a few reasons why. He is nothing short of a natural born leader. I have never seen or heard Craig ask an employee to do a task that he himself would not be willing to do. In fact many times I have witnessed Craig conduct a task himself or even assist with a task. He further is very conscientious of the morale of employees, something that may seem petty, but is ultimately very necessary for a good healthy working environment. Craig is someone that you can talk to regardless of how big or minor the issue. And as an employee he makes you feel heard and respected.
Craig has true compassion for not just his fellow employees but for every individual he comes across. I have seen this first hand dealing with irrational or out of control inmates. Craig will step in front and talk to the individual, until the individual is calm and respectful. In law enforcement we are trained to protect ourselves and other’s however I believe 90% of our job is how we talk to individuals. Having the ability to talk to an individual who is irate until they are able to calm down takes some skill, Craig has that skill.
Craig has overseen my work on the current and previous Jail Budget and when I need guidance or assistance he is there to assist with his vast knowledge in the subject. Craig has further assisted and overseen our work on the many ICE Inspections we have had to take part in. These inspections are stressful, mundane and take several weeks to plan for. Craig is always a part of this process to not only help relieve staff of some stress but to assist in any way that he can.
Like I said I have worked alongside both candidates, and I can honestly say that I have witnessed firsthand the work ethic, accountability, citizen/inmate/employee interaction of both candidates. It is with this knowledge and serious thought that I whole heartedly recommend and endorse Craig Allison. He is the candidate with the most knowledge of the inner workings of the Sheriff’s Office. Craig Allison is the most well rounded individual to succeed in the leadership role of Sheriff of Montgomery County.
Sgt. Katie Pape